FVM Global Salutes Sue Wong, Legendary Designer Who Has Created Her Own World!

FVM Global Salutes Sue Wong, Legendary Designer Who Has Created Her Own World!

I could spend a year waxing poetic on all your virtues. You are a delight, with a great sense of humor. And your laugh is infectious, along with your smile – a smile that accompanies an ever-active and intelligent mind!  Your artistic expression and multi-faceted creative abilities in many different fields leaves many speechless and  in awe. I could go on about your artistic talents but suffice it to say you are an artistic genius!  Your…




The above statement is indeed the motto for BTYKWN, an oasis of the extraordinary in a desert full of the mediocre and the mundane. Who and/or what is BTYKWN? Well, makeup aficionados, wake up and join the club! Yes, makeup super fans of every age and persuasion, your platform has arrived! BTYKWN is a platform for fabulousness, where one might find unicorns among the rainbows! Icon or outcast, you are invited to view the free…


Ladies and Gentlemen: Introducing BEAUTYKWEEN!

Ladies and Gentlemen: Introducing BEAUTYKWEEN!

FVM Global recently interviewed Larry Namer, founder of E! and CEO of world entertainment powerhouse Metan Global Entertainment Group, about the formation and purpose of BEAUTYKWEEN. How would you describe this new project? I’m going to let Mister D, the CEO of this enterprise, answer that: “We have unleashed a cyber beauty world that makeup junkies will live for from the time they wake up to the time they go to sleep. BEAUTYKWEEN is a…


FanVestor: Platform for Fans to Invest in Their Heroes Gains Traction

FanVestor: Platform for Fans to Invest in Their Heroes Gains Traction

Our friend Larry Namer always seems to be in the forefront of coming trends. We recently received this missive from him regarding FanVestor, which enables fans to invest in the various endeavors of their favorite personalities from the entertainment world to the sports world. Dear Faith, I am happy to announce that I have moved from an advisory board member in FanVestor to the COO position. While I’m still heading Metan Global and will continue…


Sue Wong at the LA Art Show: When Fashion Meets Art

Sue Wong at the LA Art Show: When Fashion Meets Art

Fashion has always been an artistic endeavour and the LA Art Show, an international art exposition held this year from February 5th to February 9th at the Los Angeles Convention Center, certainly realized that when it recognized the seminal contributions of world renowned designer Sue Wong to the world of fashion/art and saluted her with a position of honor in its show. The LA Art Show, which turned 25 this year and has as its…


Sue Wong’s Brilliant View of The Oscars

Sue Wong’s Brilliant View of The Oscars

Sue Wong’s spiritually uplifting Academy Awards Gala, held on Oscar’s greatest night, February 9, 2020, at the Taglyan Complex in Hollywood, presented a living canvas of the international fashion designer’s accomplishments and aspirations. Indeed, the event was a stimulating and enriching experience which honored the glory and glamour of old Hollywood and simultaneously paid homage to the unconquerable human spirit within us all. The Wong gala was a diverse program, to say the least, featuring…


Larry Namer: The Inspirational Story of the Media Giant

When Larry Namer graduated from Brooklyn College, a hiring freeze prevented him from landing a job  as a public school teacher in New York and he was forced to continue his summer job as an assistant underground cable splicer in order to eat.  At this point, one might say he was as low as you could go; but one who made that statement could not possibly be more distant from the truth.  For Larry was,…
