The Entrepreneur’s Entrepreneur: Lousine Karibian

Not only is Lousine Karibian the entrepreneur’s entrepreneur, she is also most certainly the net worker’s net worker, having built her company, The World Networks, into a global enterprise. She is also a terrific marketing person, as her clients will attest.
Prophetically, Karibian has stated, “An entrepreneur is like a seed to grow a company, or a country.”
Besides being the CEO of The World Networks, she is also the CEO and founder of The Armenian American Network (TAAN), which she started in October, 2010. After founding TAAN, Karibian’s contacts from different backgrounds asked, “Could you do this for our people as well?” and so was born The World Networks to bridge various ethnic and geographic communities.
The group currently has branches in Los Angeles, Dallas, and San Diego, and Karibian will be in Africa and China in 2015.
The World Networks is currently made up of fifteen different American ethnicities, including Armenian, Persian, French, Russian, Japanese, etc. In reality, Karibian is trying to bring the world together! “If people could get together each month, shake hands, give hugs, and share a general sense of well being, think of the difference that can make in the world,” she says.

The website for the organization states that The World Networks is an exclusive worldwide professional business networking alliance designed to market members to their potential clients online and through monthly networking events. With the fifteen present networks all in operation around the globe, Karibian feels that she has amassed a world-class network.
Even though there are 400 entrepreneurs in her group, Karibian looks for quality not quantity in members. In accepting a new applicant to the organization, she considers the individual’s character, desire to give back to the community, sensitivity to environmental concerns, and capacity to create new jobs.
Karibian uses her extensive knowledge of marketing to help members of her group achieve their full potential. She feels an international network of entrepreneurs will help the peoples of the world connect and is devoting herself to bringing this concept to fruition.
The consummate net worker, she also firmly believes her members should serve their communities and be aware of the environmental consequences of their actions. “We are using the resources of the earth and we are barely replenishing them. We are the stewards of this planet and should do more to take care of it,” she pronounces. Eventually, she plans to give talks at high schools and universities to promote ethical entrepreneurship among youth.
To put together her organization, Karibian did a huge amount of work. She branded her company both through social media and through events that she holds for members every month. Karibian is now recruiting ambassadors for her group.
“Ambassadors are very important because they host events,” she articulates. Karibian envisions a thousand ambassadors around the world, all of whom will be compensated.
She feels it is vitally important to know the right people and know how to find them. Of course, you can find these key individuals through The World Networks.
The organization is working to revolutionize networking events, producing grand cultural affairs which range from awards nights to fashion shows. For these events, attendees must be at their best, and cocktail attire is de rigueur.

Karibian advises, “You must be confident, dress well, always have your business cards on hand, and, most importantly, have the feeling you want to help the person with whom you are networking.” She feels that by asking if you can be of help to a company or individual, the person you are addressing will not forget you.
Karibian was born in Armenia and came to America when she was 8. She settled in Los Angeles and later attended California State University Northridge where she studied marketing and art history. A Renaissance woman, Karibian is an accomplished artist as well.
An avid reader of books on business and successful people, she says her favorite author is Robert Kiyosaki, the famous life coach.
Since she read that most successful people arise very early, Karibian is out the door by 5 am each day and on her way to a spiritual retreat in Beverly Hills for contemplation and meditation before beginning her arduous workday.
She worked for Fame, now Notice Networks, another networking company, where she honed her skills for four years, rising to the position of Vice President. “I owe much to my experiences there,” says Karibian.
Karibian, before starting her company, once said she would write a book; and, now, she has been asked to write a book and is in the process of doing so at this time.
For all her hard work and her continual support of global as well as local charities, Karibian has been recognized by her adopted city, Los Angeles. Some of the many accolades and awards she has received are: Certificate of Appreciation from the Los Angeles Police Department (March, 2012); County of Los Angeles Commendation (June, 2012); and California Legislature Certificate of Recognition (February, 2014).
Networking is now an essential tool in one’s repertoire, Karibian believes. “Times have changed. We are exposed to more information than ever in history and we have less time, so having the right people in your network is crucial in all of your endeavors, from finding a job to building a company,” she avers.Lousine Karibian is on a mission with The World Networks, and she and others who know and respect her are confident she will accomplish it.